Friday 14 June 2013

New face cloning method for robots

Disney invents a new face cloning method for robots

For long years, the robotics researchers have succeeded in developing humanoid robots, but failed in bringing the natural human faces and expressions. Therefore, Disney’s researchers at Switzerland have come out with a ‘face cloning’ technique, which provides the most realistic facial expressions to the animatronic robots.

This technique uses 3D Motion Capture Technology for scanning the person’s facial expressions. The scanned image is developed as a digital mesh, and later designed as an optimized model of the robot head. This results in describing various movements of robot, and sets the best points to place the artificial skin.

Disney’s research team has used silicone rubber skin with various thicknesses at specified areas. This helps the skin to make more realistic forms. The right position for placing the skin in the robot head is guided by the digital model. It also helps the head to move at least stretch and ensures the elongation of skin only happens at the thickest area.

A three-dimensional silicon mold is prepared after completing the design of skin and head. The resulting molded skin is then fixed to the motorized metal and plastic head. At last, the effort of all these processes brings a realistic human head for animatronic robots.

The cloned face is fairly larger when compared with the unique face. It is differed because to provide control for the robot’s movements. The researchers believe in bringing out a multi-layered skin in their next development, which could have high flexibility to control various movements.

Let us hope for the best, and wish the Disney research team to bring out their best in the near future.

 You can watch the process of Disney’s face cloning in the below video:

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